Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Go Giants!

Super cool panoramic photo from the glorious iPhone 5. 
Featuring Robby and Liz.

My awesome friend Jonathan holding our awesome carmel corn soup. (See below)

My girl Aubrie. Love this one.

AT&T park...home of the garlic fries...Oh I mean the Giants.

Here is me at work. Productive I know.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Gingy and friends

Just chillin' with Gingy on the 3rd floor yo.

Ren fest get up.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Cookie Time

So one thing that is SUPER AWESOME AND FANTASTIC about DreamWorks is the free lunch! And the second best thing about free lunch is that no one, no matter how long they have worked at DW, ever gets sick of talking about it. It's hilarious to hear everyones conversations around lunch time that range from "waffle frieeeeeeeees mmmm" to "ribsss yesssss."

Today was fried chicken and mashed potaters, but, I digress.

Anyway, Thursday is cookie day. Cookies for dayz. And every Thursday we all get extra cookies, bring them to our desk and around 3 pm we go down to the cafe and have "Cookie Time." Today my coworker, Jonathan, legitimately sent out an invite and added Cookie Time to all of our calendars.

This. Is. My. Life.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


So I guess I was feeling a little too confident about driving in the Bay Area. The first few days went  smooth during the commute to and from Redwood City but this all changed on Thursday and Friday. On Thursday I headed to Antioch after work to visit my Grandpa and have dinner with my mom. Got there fine...but getting home was another story. For some reason all of the exits to get back on the highway were closed so I drove around for a good 45 minutes trying to find a way to get on the freeway and finally got back to Danville around midnight.

As if this wasn't enough, I missed the exit to 680 on my way home from work on Friday. It was a bummer because I was driving for two hours before I finally got home...gotta love traffic.

The good thing is the more I get lost, the quicker I will learn my way around here!

The past week overall has been the best. Working during the day, spending time with various family at night. Its been really nice to spend time with everyone as I haven't seen them in years. I could definitely get used to this lifestyle...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

May all your DreamWorks come true

So I started to write this post yesterday but I was reminded of why I have never been able to keep up with a blog...I have no idea what to say. Especially about DreamWorks. I'm still in awe of everything around me and am still soaking it all in...but since I have been absolutely terrible about communication with everyone and probably will be for the rest of the semester, I'm going to try.

I'm staying in Danville (East Bay) with my Uncle, which is about an hour and a half commute every morning with traffic. If you haven't driven in California traffic...well one, you're lucky, and two, you really have no idea what traffic is. Once I get to work, we get free breakfast (and lunch too!) if we want it. One of the many perks I'm discovering about DreamWorks.

There are 8 other interns this semester at the Redwood City campus, one other in my department and the other 7 are scattered around. There are ~600 employees at the RWC campus, making it the second largest DreamWorks location. DreamWorks also has a studio in Glendale, CA (1500 people and the largest), and India (DDU for short, DreamWorks Dedicated Unit).

The atmosphere of the company is very laid back and casual but still projects a business atmosphere as well. Everyone in my department, and the company as a whole, is AWESOME (I know this because its DreamWorks and everyone has to be awesome of course). There are only 10 of us total in the Digital Training and Artistic Development group, including interns, which is great because I will get to know them very well.

Overall, I'm just stoked I'm getting to live my dream out in Cali and I really still can't believe it's happening. That's all folks!