Wednesday, October 31, 2012

21 Thoughts on Being 21

So I've been slackin' on the blog posts...and it just so happens that my 21st birthday is 21 days from TODAY! So I decided I'm going to write a blog post everyday with one thing I've learned in my (almost) 21 years of life so far. So without further ado, here is number 21.

21. Appreciate being young.

You are only young once. Stop yearning for the future and live in the moment. Right now is the only time that you have your whole life ahead of you; the world is your oyster. You have plenty of time to settle down and be serious, enjoy this time with little responsibility and plenty of opportunity. Time flies and before you know it, you'll be wishing you were young again with the world just knocking at your doorstep. 

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