Sunday, October 21, 2012


Sports are something that I've always love and have always brought me great joy. Whether I was playing them or watching them it has always been fun. I strongly believe everyone should become a loyal fan of a sports team- follow them, cheer for them, build a community around them. Although it may seem silly to those who don't understand it, sports bring people together in a way that is different than anything else.

I obviously know a lot about this being a FLORIDA GATOR. I am almost unhealthly obsessed with my school and the sports teams. I love em all, but football is my thing. Nothing makes me more proud than a Gator win and there is nothing like the orange and blue sea at the Swamp on gameday. I am so happy with the way our season is going and I think its safe to say WE ARE BACK BABYYYY.

Anyway, the real point of this post was to say 1. I love sports 2. I love the Gators and 3. I love the Giants and they are going to Game 7 and I'm freaking stoked. It is so fun being in the bay for these MLB playoffs. It is so cool to see all the Giants fans come to the cafeteria at DreamWorks to cheer for them during the, I love that camaraderie. 

This post was obviously full of brain power.

Everyone should like sports.

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