Wednesday, November 14, 2012

21 Thoughts on Being 21

7. You don't deserve anything

So often I find myself thinking "I've had a hard week/day etc...I deserve this." I realize I have to adjust my thinking because I don't deserve anything...I desire things. Everything, every day is just a blessing from God. Simple as that. 

8. It's easy to make a situation negative, it's much harder to make it positive

I was in improv class the other day and we were playing a game. In the game one person would act out a motion for awhile and once we realized what the person was doing we would enter the scene. My partner was acting out making a bed, and when I walked in I said "Thats crooked! You need to remake that!" The improv teacher had me redo it and said I should start with something positive. She said it's much easier to take a situation and turn it negative right away. She explained that something positive is much more pleasant to watch, and draws people in. That doesn't mean a scene can't have any negative aspects, but it's best not to start out that way. Take that as you will.

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