Monday, December 3, 2012

DreamWorks Christmas Card

Courtesy of my fellow intern and great friend Robby Nepemuceo (sp? Should know how to spell his last name by now haha)

Friday, November 30, 2012

You Can Put a Saddle on My Back...

‎"When you are a kid you are a cowboy in the morning, an astronaut in the afternoon, and an jungle explorer at night, and no one tells you that's wrong. When you grow up life tells you that's wrong. But don't let it."  - Guillermo Del Toro

Today we had an amazing opportunity to have a Q&A with both Jeffery Katzenberg (CEO of DreamWorks) and Guillermo Del Toro (Director). I got a lot out of Guillermo Del Toro's talk and I wanted to share it with you.

He talked a lot about doing what you love. He said our 20's are the most trying times of our lives because we don't know who we are, and we have this sense of urgency to figure it out, like we are late for life. When we pursue our dreams and be who we want to be, sometimes, people tell us it's wrong. Our parents tell us its wrong. Life tells us it's wrong. Before you know it, we are 40 with a job we hate and a life we don't enjoy. Then, the same cycle starts over when we have kids. No creativity is fostered. When we are young is the time to make mistakes, to screw up and go down the wrong path. To figure it all out. 

The older we get, the less we care what other people think about us. This is a quality we should possess when we are young and can make the most out of it. However, society takes away this impulse. It's constantly telling us what we should do and who we should be. Del Toro said, "In one hundred years no one is going to remember me or the people who criticized me. So what does it matter?"

We each have our own voice, that isn't the question. Whether our voice appeals to a few or the masses is the question. Often times, people will mold their voice to what they know will appeal to millions when they want fame or power. Then we end up with a bunch of voices that sound the same and no unique stories. As Guillermo put it, "the problem is we live in a honey boo boo fucking world." The key is to keep your voice and be who you are, don't let the pressure to conform consume your ability to tell your story; your wonderful, beautiful story. Since we are all a product of our own experiences, you are the only one that can tell a story with your perspective, your voice. This individuality is so valuable. Don't let the pressure of money and power change you and your voice.

However, I have to say, the best (funniest?) quote of the day definitely came from JK. 

"You can put a saddle on my back, but you're never going to break me or ride me." 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"My heart wants roots
My mind wants wings
I cannot bear
their bickerings."
- E.Y. Harburg

Friday, November 23, 2012


This year I have been much more aware of how blessed I am. I have gained a ton of perspective this year which I believe is essential to developing into a better person. I just wanted to write down a few things I am thankful for this year, since I often think about them but may not always voice them.

I am thankful for a loving family. I am blessed by each of them everyday. Each one of you has taught me lessons about selflessness, compassion and dependability. I am grateful for the laughs and tears we shared at the table this Thanksgiving; it was truly beautiful.

I am thankful for true friends. Even from thousands of miles away and several different spots in the country I have many loyal and supportive friends who prove that miles have nothing on a friendship. I am truly appreciative of each of you who have reached out to me this semester to ask how I was doing, or just simply to say hello. It has meant a lot to me.

I am thankful for the opportunities I have in my life. I am blessed with the privilege of going to a great college and being able to accept wonderful opportunities as they come. I also have many privileges in my life that many other people do not have. I do not take this for granted and think about it everyday.

I am thankful for my Aunt and Uncle who have  opened their home to me this semester and made me feel like I was truly at home and a part of their family. The have been so kind and giving to me during this time.

I am thankful that I know The Lord and what He has done for all of us. I am thankful that He has my best interests at heart and has showed me the direction he has for my life.

I am thankful for the Florida Gators. God Bless America.

My life is not perfect but I am by no means lacking in the number of blessings in my life. I am grateful for each of them and would not want to switch places with anyone else.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

21 Thoughts on Being 21

1. Be as selfless as you can, as often as you can

This takes discipline and perspective. It takes checking yourself and your motives and intentions often. It takes recognizing when you're being selfish. It's hard, and takes effort. Being selfless is a personality trait that you have to work for, and it's a trait that often goes unappreciated and unrewarded. However, you will make a genuine difference in people's lives and that is a pretty good feeling.

Also, it's my birthday! Yay!

Monday, November 19, 2012

21 Thoughts on Being 21

2. “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” - Albus Dumbledore

This is a difficult one for me. While it is important to remember your dreams, but focusing on your dreams/future too much can hinder your life everyday. It is important to appreciate what you are given as you are given it, and live your life to the fullest each day. Do not let your dreams for your future suffocate your life now! Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself, each day has enough trouble of its own.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

21 Thoughts on Being 21

3. Build and maintain relationships with your family

I've learned these are the most important relationships you can have. I have been blessed with many wonderful family members, and this doesn't mean my family is without drama and problems. I've learned family will always be there, even if it gets rough at times.

4. Don't let other people tell you who you are

There are many times in my life where people told me something I liked was "weird" or "stupid" or just plain "wrong." These people, for some reason, thought their opinion was authority. This doesn't go hand in hand with "not conforming" because you'll always be conforming to something, and that's not bad. Like what you like, do what you love, and don't let other people tell you what those things are. If it makes you happy, that's all that matters. Haters gun hate. Let that hate bring them down, not you.

5. Our mistakes don't define us, it's how we recover from them that does

I think one of the biggest mistakes you can make in life is letting a mistake define you and take over your life. We were born to make mistakes, it's how we learn. Fall seven times, stand up eight. Do yourself a favor, and stand up as a different person, a better person, than you were before.

 6. Home is now behind you, the world is ahead

This concept is really weird to me, and I only started feeling this way this semester. I realized I've past the point of having a physical "home." I have memories and people that will always make me feel at home, but my life now is a series of places, people, things, and events. I'm past yearning for "home", now I want to take on the world. I want adventures.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

21 Thoughts on Being 21

7. You don't deserve anything

So often I find myself thinking "I've had a hard week/day etc...I deserve this." I realize I have to adjust my thinking because I don't deserve anything...I desire things. Everything, every day is just a blessing from God. Simple as that. 

8. It's easy to make a situation negative, it's much harder to make it positive

I was in improv class the other day and we were playing a game. In the game one person would act out a motion for awhile and once we realized what the person was doing we would enter the scene. My partner was acting out making a bed, and when I walked in I said "Thats crooked! You need to remake that!" The improv teacher had me redo it and said I should start with something positive. She said it's much easier to take a situation and turn it negative right away. She explained that something positive is much more pleasant to watch, and draws people in. That doesn't mean a scene can't have any negative aspects, but it's best not to start out that way. Take that as you will.

Monday, November 12, 2012

21 Thoughts on Being 21

9. Courage doesn't always roar

Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow." There are many ways to be courageous, and each is as well deserving of praise as the next. Every day I face one of my fears, no matter how big or how small. As Smash Mouth would say, "I get knocked down, but I get up again, ain't nothin' gonna keep me down."

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Jonathan Safran Foer 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

21 Thoughts on Being 21

10. Luck is when preparation meets opportunity

Every time I can think of where I got "lucky" in my life it actually wasn't luck at all. It was all about timing. I might apply for a thousand internships, but it only takes one call back to change it all. The key was me setting myself up for that opportunity. "Luck" is more likely to come your way when you are prepared to meet the opportunities that arise.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

21 Thoughts on Being 21

11. Do one thing a day more things that scare you

There is a lot to be gained by waltzing into the unknown and not knowing whats going to come of it. I'm not gonna say you need to get out of your comfort zone every single day, because I don't and you probably won't either. But I have experienced many times where I greatly benefited by doing something that scared me. Getting out of your comfort zone and taking risks is difficult and takes courage, it is also much easier and much less rewarding in the long run. Greater the risk = greater the reward. 

We interrupt regularly scheduled programming to bring you an important service announcement...

Today was a great day. We had a pre-screening of Rise of the Guardians in San Francisco for all the DW employees was a phenomenal movie! I loved it and truly believe it was the best animated film of the year. You should definitely go see it...reminds me how important the power of belief is.

Then, my uncle, aunt, cousin and I went to eat at pier 7 at the Waterfront restaurant. We asked to be seated on the top level (there was no one up there) because its my uncle's family's tradition whenever they go there. So they sat us upstairs and about 15 minutes after we got our food another family gets seated at the table behind us. None of us really even looked at who it was except my aunt, who says "Do you know who that was?" to which we responded no, and she told us it was HARRISON FORD AND CALISTA FLOCKHART and her adopted son but whatever. Anyways, at first I didn't believe her but they were behind me so I couldn't turn around and look (obviously, that would be WAY to obvious) so I acted like I had to go to the bathroom and when I came back up I stared and realized it definitely was them. I tried to get a frontwards-facing-camera-over-the-shoulder-shot but it was really awkward because we were the only two sets of people on that floor. But it was still freaking cool being in the presence of Han Solo and Indiana Jones!

Oh...and Han shot first.

21 Thoughts on Being 21

12. You are fearfully and wonderfully made 

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.
- Dr. Suess

We spend so much of our lives wishing we were someone else. Oh I wish I had her hair, or her eyes, or her body. I wish I had his job, his life. We were all made for an important purpose. You are made up of a unique set of traits that only YOU possess. There is a path in this life that only YOU are meant to walk. No one looks at the world exactly the way you do. You, exactly the way you are, can change the world, even if it is by touching only one persons life. Who is to say that one ripple won't go on for centuries? Appreciate yo'self.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

21 Thoughts on Being 21

13. Allow yourself to really feel things

Its ok to be emotional. Its ok to really feel something with every inch of your being, no matter what it is. Sadness, happiness, anger. Allowing yourself to really feel something can be scary, but ultimately I believe it's better than completely shutting yourself off. Eventually, your heart will become cold if you don't let yourself feel anything.

14. Be OK with being alone

A lot of your life will be spent alone. Get used to it, and be ok with it.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

21 Thoughts on Being 21

I owe you guys a few...

15. Forgiveness is often about you, not the person you're forgiving

Let go, forgive yourself, breathe. Give yourself a chance to let go of bitterness and negative feelings. Bringing those into your heart doesn't do anyone any good. The more those take up your heart, the less love can come in. Don't do yourself a disservice, forgive those who have done you wrong. You don't even have to let them know you've forgiven them, forgiveness is about freeing your soul.

16. You will never be the whole puzzle, but you can be a piece of the puzzle that cannot be complete without you

Stop trying to be everything to everyone. You will never be satisfied and you will never succeed. However, you can be a part of a puzzle, whether its in someones life, in a job, etc, that cannot be complete without you in it.

17. Start liking sports

For real though. Your quality of life will improve.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

21 Thoughts on Being 21

18. Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle

A huge problem with this world is people are so unkind and don't understand those who are different than them. Everyone you meet has a story, just like you. Everyone you meet is struggling with something. They might not share the same struggles as you, but everyone has much deeper layers to them than what you see superficially. Take the time to peel back the layers and really get to know them - see what makes them tick. Knowing people on a deeper level is one of the great joys in life.

Friday, November 2, 2012

21 Thoughts on Being 21

19. Its OK to complain

But when you do, make sure it is someone who is close to you and who really cares/will listen to you. Complaining is an essential part to being happy. Life is not always easy and during those times, its important to let out the negative vibes. The people who love you will listen to you, and you can feel relief. It might not solve your problem, but it is better than bottling up your emotions until you explode. No one likes a Negative Nancy, but no one can relate to someone with a seemingly perfect life. Let it out! And let the people you care about do the same.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

21 Thoughts on Being 21

20. You can sleep when you're dead

Yeah, you heard me. Yeah yeah wah wah wah "I'm tired" - an excuse I've used far too many times in my life. You only live once, and very rarely have I been exhausted to the point where I couldn't stay up a few more hours to have some fun. You're young, you can go on a few less hours a night. You'll bounce back, I promise. Meanwhile, all the opportunities you didn't miss will be stored in your memory bank for the REST of your LIFE! Sounds worth it, doesn't it?

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

21 Thoughts on Being 21

So I've been slackin' on the blog posts...and it just so happens that my 21st birthday is 21 days from TODAY! So I decided I'm going to write a blog post everyday with one thing I've learned in my (almost) 21 years of life so far. So without further ado, here is number 21.

21. Appreciate being young.

You are only young once. Stop yearning for the future and live in the moment. Right now is the only time that you have your whole life ahead of you; the world is your oyster. You have plenty of time to settle down and be serious, enjoy this time with little responsibility and plenty of opportunity. Time flies and before you know it, you'll be wishing you were young again with the world just knocking at your doorstep. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Sports are something that I've always love and have always brought me great joy. Whether I was playing them or watching them it has always been fun. I strongly believe everyone should become a loyal fan of a sports team- follow them, cheer for them, build a community around them. Although it may seem silly to those who don't understand it, sports bring people together in a way that is different than anything else.

I obviously know a lot about this being a FLORIDA GATOR. I am almost unhealthly obsessed with my school and the sports teams. I love em all, but football is my thing. Nothing makes me more proud than a Gator win and there is nothing like the orange and blue sea at the Swamp on gameday. I am so happy with the way our season is going and I think its safe to say WE ARE BACK BABYYYY.

Anyway, the real point of this post was to say 1. I love sports 2. I love the Gators and 3. I love the Giants and they are going to Game 7 and I'm freaking stoked. It is so fun being in the bay for these MLB playoffs. It is so cool to see all the Giants fans come to the cafeteria at DreamWorks to cheer for them during the, I love that camaraderie. 

This post was obviously full of brain power.

Everyone should like sports.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hebrews 12:11

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Facial Sculpture

So one awesome thing about working for the Training Department is I know about all of the classes that are offered to employees. The classes can be technical or just artistic like figure drawing or sculpture. These past two weeks I've had an awesome opportunity to sneak into a Thomas Applegate facial sculpture class. This is my sculpture from this week. Not perfect, but a big improvement from last week!

Also, the Training Department often arranges for speakers to come talk to the company. Today we had Ryan Woodward come speak about his animated graphic novel, Bottom of the Ninth. Its an app on the iPad and let me tell you guys, it's totally worth downloading. This thing is an amazing and impressive work of art. It's free so just do it.

Tomorrow's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


I sincerely do want to update this more often, but I hardly have free time and when I do I find it hard to put into words what I am experiencing and learning from my time here. Hell, I don't even know if anyone reads this anyway, but here's an update about what has been happening in my life the past week or so.

My weeks are long, especially the commute. 3 hours of driving a day is not something I would recommend to anyone nor something I will ever do again. Its definitely important to live close to work, which is something I'm glad to learn before I am fully employed. This internship has been good for learning many small things like that, and also many big things about myself. If it was up to me, I would insist every student have a full time internship before actually entering the real world. Going from student/full time employee is a tiring transition.

I am glad I am doing something I love and working for my dream company or else it would be hard to get used to. I would encourage everyone to try to find a career that you enjoy and are passionate about, or else 40 hour + weeks would be hard to endure.

It's funny how in college you have such little understanding or care for the bigger picture. Yes, you might think about it, maybe even plan for it, but when reality hits, its a whole other story. I'm sure people struggle with the transition from college to real life all the time, actually, I know people do, and I know people that will.

This internship has been so rewarding and it has only (or already, depending on how you look at it) been four weeks. It has given me perspective and insight that I would not have achieved otherwise. It has opened doors and opened my eyes to what I need to do in order to achieve my goals. It has made me even more ambitious and driven, as if it were possible.

Every day I am at DreamWorks I enjoy myself. I laugh wholeheartedly, every day. And for the first time in a long time, I feel at peace. I feel satisfied with who I am and what I am becoming; I feel sure about my future and what I am meant to do with my life. I feel mature and grown-up, without losing my wide-eyed and youthful spirit. I pray I never lose that spirit.

I am exhausted, but in a good way. In a way that feels whole and calm, undisturbed by the stresses that come with being a young college student. My mind doesn't race at night, and worry about what I need to do tomorrow. I don't feel anxious about my future being dependent on a single exam grade. This God-given peace is just what I needed in the middle of a trying and difficult college career. I feel renewed and ready for everything that is to come.

Every day I am in awe that this is my life. I am thankful that I get to learn from the best in the industry. I am thankful I got this opportunity period. This is a life-changing experience, and I am glad I recognize that while I am in the midst of it and can still take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way.

"Luck is when preparation meets opportunity."

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Go Giants!

Super cool panoramic photo from the glorious iPhone 5. 
Featuring Robby and Liz.

My awesome friend Jonathan holding our awesome carmel corn soup. (See below)

My girl Aubrie. Love this one.

AT&T park...home of the garlic fries...Oh I mean the Giants.

Here is me at work. Productive I know.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Gingy and friends

Just chillin' with Gingy on the 3rd floor yo.

Ren fest get up.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Cookie Time

So one thing that is SUPER AWESOME AND FANTASTIC about DreamWorks is the free lunch! And the second best thing about free lunch is that no one, no matter how long they have worked at DW, ever gets sick of talking about it. It's hilarious to hear everyones conversations around lunch time that range from "waffle frieeeeeeeees mmmm" to "ribsss yesssss."

Today was fried chicken and mashed potaters, but, I digress.

Anyway, Thursday is cookie day. Cookies for dayz. And every Thursday we all get extra cookies, bring them to our desk and around 3 pm we go down to the cafe and have "Cookie Time." Today my coworker, Jonathan, legitimately sent out an invite and added Cookie Time to all of our calendars.

This. Is. My. Life.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


So I guess I was feeling a little too confident about driving in the Bay Area. The first few days went  smooth during the commute to and from Redwood City but this all changed on Thursday and Friday. On Thursday I headed to Antioch after work to visit my Grandpa and have dinner with my mom. Got there fine...but getting home was another story. For some reason all of the exits to get back on the highway were closed so I drove around for a good 45 minutes trying to find a way to get on the freeway and finally got back to Danville around midnight.

As if this wasn't enough, I missed the exit to 680 on my way home from work on Friday. It was a bummer because I was driving for two hours before I finally got home...gotta love traffic.

The good thing is the more I get lost, the quicker I will learn my way around here!

The past week overall has been the best. Working during the day, spending time with various family at night. Its been really nice to spend time with everyone as I haven't seen them in years. I could definitely get used to this lifestyle...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

May all your DreamWorks come true

So I started to write this post yesterday but I was reminded of why I have never been able to keep up with a blog...I have no idea what to say. Especially about DreamWorks. I'm still in awe of everything around me and am still soaking it all in...but since I have been absolutely terrible about communication with everyone and probably will be for the rest of the semester, I'm going to try.

I'm staying in Danville (East Bay) with my Uncle, which is about an hour and a half commute every morning with traffic. If you haven't driven in California traffic...well one, you're lucky, and two, you really have no idea what traffic is. Once I get to work, we get free breakfast (and lunch too!) if we want it. One of the many perks I'm discovering about DreamWorks.

There are 8 other interns this semester at the Redwood City campus, one other in my department and the other 7 are scattered around. There are ~600 employees at the RWC campus, making it the second largest DreamWorks location. DreamWorks also has a studio in Glendale, CA (1500 people and the largest), and India (DDU for short, DreamWorks Dedicated Unit).

The atmosphere of the company is very laid back and casual but still projects a business atmosphere as well. Everyone in my department, and the company as a whole, is AWESOME (I know this because its DreamWorks and everyone has to be awesome of course). There are only 10 of us total in the Digital Training and Artistic Development group, including interns, which is great because I will get to know them very well.

Overall, I'm just stoked I'm getting to live my dream out in Cali and I really still can't believe it's happening. That's all folks!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Seek and you will find

For those of you who don't know, my name is Sarah Thomas (although many people call me Sabal) and I am a Digital Arts and Sciences major at the University of Florida.

For as long as I can remember I have wanted to animate movies. I love the emotions these movies evoke - happiness, sadness, joy, laughter, and I love the way they can tell a story in the simplest manner. This blog is intended to be the story of my journey to working in the CG industry - the ups, downs, and everything I learn in between. 

As I begin this blog I am about to begin a new chapter: an internship with PDI/DreamWorks in Redwood City, CA. I am taking a semester off from school to pursue this invaluable opportunity and am still in disbelief that I will be moving to California next week. You see, I had already begun classes when I received the call from DreamWorks, and, within 24 hours, my path for this semester is completely different. You just really never know what life is going to throw at you.

Knock and the door will be opened to you.